This blog is to keep family and friends up to date on Adam's mission.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Hey mom!
I got a new companion, but it wasn't anyone younger than me, he goes home in March next year. It is really weird knowing that when he goes home I only have a few months left, and he doesn't go home in too long of a time, 7 months maybe? I don't know.
His name is Elder Riding, and we work really well together because we ask a lot of questions and switch off a lot. That helps to keep the peoples attention.
Well, some cool things, we drank coconut milk out of a coconut that someone just took off the tree! How awesome is that? Not many people get a Malagasy to climb a tree and get a coconut for them, so that is really cool! I just don't know if this computer is going to be nice today and let me send pictures, but we will see.
I haven't had many crazy things happen, or stuff like that, I have been taking it easy, and I just got my stitches out today! haha So Elder Peatross, an Elder who has just moved in took out my stiches for me! Awesome huh? With dull scisors and some tweezers, the stiches came out nicely. So that is the good news, the only thing is there has been a little blood in my eye for the past week, so I have scared kids and been asked way too many times what happened.
Well sorry that is about it for the week, I don't have too much to say other than that... oh well...
Everything is fine here, and if I can I will send pictures.
Elder Nash
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Hey mom!
I didn't get my goals for very depressing reasons, but everything is okay, so don't freak out when I tell you the following. First I had food poisoning for 3 days, and when I went out to work on friday (I had the food poisoning from wed to fri) I worked a part day because I didn't feel well, and on my way home I was hit by a motorcycle! I got 8 stitches, 6 in my cheeck and 2 in my chin. It's alright because I am going to be working again in a couple days, I just have to wait for the skin to heal over so sand doesn't get in and infect it. I think that is probably the only big story this week xD sorry for the bad news! It's just what happens. Here is the full story:
I just finished a not so fun day, so I was coming home from my last time at 7, because I still didn't feel 100 percent after having food poisoning for the last few days. So on my way back I tried calling the other Elders because they took my keys since there are only two full sets, and I finished trying to call them, so I put the phone back in my pocket and rode down the road towards the church, and I started turning because I didn't see anyone, there were no headlights since it was already dark by this time. So I start turning and I am going really slow, slow enough so that I have to keep the handlebars moving so I don't fall off, and I keep looking down the road and I can't see the car's headlights in the distance, or at least I can only see one. It was then that I noticed the motorcycle speeding down and I thought to myself quietly, "I'm going to be in an accident!" Not a very fun thought, it wasn't long after that a motorcycle slammed into my side, t-boning me as we slid a good 150 feet down the road. as soon as it happened a huge crowd congregated around the bike, and they started lifting the bike up while my shirt was still attached! I yelled for them to take it off, but everyone kept telling me to go to the hospital, whereas I just kept thinking to myself I just want to go home and lay down. I had no idea that I was bleeding so profusely or had such a big problem with the side of my face. So I had no idea what to do, I just told them I wanted to be in the shade or away from the rain, I don't know what the translation for the word is in english, and I sat down in a taxipouse (A bike driver who carries people in the back or his tricycle) as the crowd waved down cars to get someone to drive me to the hospital. So right after they waved someone down, I got in the car without thinking and we took off to the hospital, where I got 8 stitches without antestetics or anything, just like someone sewing my face up. It felt weird, but it's perfectly fine now. I spent the last few days laying down, so there isn't much more than that. Just weird getting stitched up without being numb. The right side of my nose is still a little numb, but the feeling has been coming back slowly so I am not too worried. That is my big story for the week!
Oh yeah, I did go on splits with Elder Walker, we had a fun time, I liked the people, and I was his good luck charm, he got 2 dinner appointments, and extra bananas when he bought them.
Oh yeah, in the 2 days I did work I got half of my goals of 60 appointments! I was all the way up to 28! So I was fine with that.
Elder Nash
Goat in front of the Church!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Working hard!
Hey mom!
So the first news is I am senior companion, the next news is my companion is in South Africa now, so I have to work with a branch missionary for a few weeks, till what will most likely be training a new kid! Oh well, malagasies always tell me I am really good, and ask how many years it has been, and if I am going home soon since I can speak pretty well, so that is a lot of encouragement, and it makes me want to get way better too! Why stop if I can get that much better?
So yeah, it has seemed like time has gone by fast, especially when I am working hard! This last week I got 30 appointments, this week, my goal is 60! I will be doing my best, I don't teach for a really long time, I just get in, talk for a few minutes, teach for 10-20 minutes, then get out and go. It gives them more time to think about what I taught too, than if I were to teach a long lesson that lasts for 40 minutes, and it says in preach my gospel, never go over 45, and an average appointment should be 30, so that is what I am going for. I have had an amazing time and have enjoyed thoroughly the last two days because I have worked as hard as possible! Just as hard as I did back in Reseco because I was left to do what I felt was best, not take a whole bunch of breaks. So this week I am going to be busting my bum, and hopefully at the end of Wednesday I have around 30 appointments done so I can accomplish my goal!
So this last Sunday, yesterday I went tracting because the people weren't home, and I just started walking and the branch missionary asked where we were going, and I just said where ever God tells me to go, and we just walked down a path and I heard music, so I turned to him and said, "If there is music, there is people!" and we took off towards the house, and when I walked up to some people outside, they immediately gave us seats and wanted to learn! It was awesome! I just taught a first and I am going back there next Sunday, and hopefully I can go back twice a week now, so I can get them to church. Last week I had 20 people to church! It made me really happy! That is higher than my average in my old area! Hopefully I get a lot more this week, I have my eyes set on 40 people at church, but we will see what happens... I have really high goals, and even if I don't reach them, I may still set some records in the mission! Awesome! I am so ready to just get out and work as hard as possible to help these people here!
So that is my news for the week, I will have some spiritual things to say next week, but just stay tuned! I have lots of work ahead of me, so I will report next week!
Elder Nash
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