Monday, February 28, 2011

I have good news, I understand people here and get what they are saying now! I just miss some details here and there, but it's awesome that my head doesn't hurt all the time! 
We are living our lives around the gospel then more gospel on top of it! it's so crazy how little we think about things in the outside world! weird huh?

So not too much has happened in the past week, it has been more of a relaxed week. we did some tracting, but only to 4 houses cause we only had a few minutes. When we went back for a return appointment there was a drunk guy who only could tell us how amazing it was that we came from america just to preach the gospel, and we left all our great american stuff to come tell people about Jesus... it was awkward and cool at the same time. I just hope he isn't drunk the next time.... cause you can't teach drunk people. He also told us he wasn't worthy to listen to us and stuff like that.

Madagascar is amazing and yes it's beautiful. if you could fly here you would love it, and it's the most humbling thing in the world to see a family of 8 to live in a room the size of a closet to us. It's so amazing! just watch out, people try to charge you double or triple cause you are a vazaha! so just that's like Peru though so it's normal.

Monday, February 21, 2011



So we had baptisms saturday and I did my first baptisms! how exciting huh? I baptized a really old lady and an 8 year old cause his dad couldn't at the time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everything is going great. our biggest problem is the bishop and trying to get baptisms scheduled. We still have like 11 or 12 lined up for the next following weeks. I have asked quite a few people to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. It's so awesome being a missionary. The days are pretty long, and it does get tiring, but seeing people progress spiritually is so awesome! I love being out here, and so far I've enjoyed every minute of it!

There are quite a few funny things that have happened. So far chickens have walked in on the most spiritual parts of the lessons, and people breast feed EVERYWHERE!

Another thing is the other day we were walking down an alley, and so while we were doing that, I stepped out to my left over a puddle, and i slipped on the side and my foot fell into poo water! gross! so when I went to the nearest investigator/member house, while I was washing my feet the entire 4 households came out and watched the vazaha wash his feet off. it was so gross! I was wearing my grey pants and then they were black, and black water was coming out for quite some time! I never, ever, ever want to do that again!
So later that day anyways, there were kids dragging each other around on a sack for carrying like a 100 pounds of rice. So I got on the bag and told them to pull me around! It took four kids to pull me a total of 6 feet! it was so funny watching them pull me! they were trying so hard! After that I played one of their games with them and we went out with the ward missionaries.
One other thing is I was called a redneck since I've been here! I had no idea what the kid said to me... I just wrote down the word and walked off. Then later I asked a different Malagasy who spoke English and he told me. Imagine, I still can't get away from people saying redneck to Americans even here.

Well besides that there is only the taksibe. the taxi rides aren't so bad here... it works out just fine and and whatever, I'm not scared for my life, but they stuff about 35 people into a van like 3 feet shorter than our old one. It's called a taksibe like I said which literally means a lot of taxi. pretty weird, but it's cool. I go everywhere in them. it's rare that we walk home or to our proselyting area.

Monday, February 7, 2011


 Adam has arrived in Madagascar and is serving in Akorondrando. Here is what he has to say:
    I've been here for almost a week but time has flown by. I am so happy doing everything here. I wrote a letter with a couple of my stories so far. one I can tell you right now that I wrote was my first time eating malagsy food. It was really good, but seriously, I don't want a thousand pounds of rice with ,my meal. it's not normal! the lady was stressing thinking I didn't like it at all! poor woman. when I was part way through it took me like a minute just to eat one bite. how depressing... but I finished... and almost threw up from eating so much.
     One thing that is amazing... I can speak malagsy just fine during lessons and understand it too! but when it comes to conversations I get so lost. I think my trainer is happy I don't say 3 things then refer back to him. I even explained why we need the authority from God to baptize, and compared it to their school system here.  I'm just so happy the spirit can work so well through me because I studied so hard in the MTC.
When I get the letter I will have more detailed stories.