Two days ago we saw a naked crazy woman! She was like 1,000,000 years old... as we saw from obvious visable reasons. It was very very odd. We called her a pamasavy because she acted like one but here is the full story:
We were walking to the baptism in Analakely and out of no where there is this naked old person in the street and Elder Cryer just says Woah! We take a look and we decide, no we shouldn't go that way, turn around, then we decide again we could just run by or something. Upon turning back around she picks up rocks and starts throwing them at cars, people, you name it and rocks were being thrown, then she stares us down and starts coming towards us. We dash off into a nearby market and make our way around where we see a crowd of Malagasies cowering in fear. Because of that we look over and we see her start strangling and punching a random girl who was walking by right in the face! The girl ran off and the angry old woman started throwing rocks at a ground cover. After this some guy takes a stick off a tree which is abour at long as four hand lengths and starts poking her in the head.... WHAT THE HECK? This is Definately Madagascar!
Not anything spiritual but, part of his experience so I thought I would share.
Poor Adam, how tramatizing!